We are a grassroots community of faith working to reduce gun violence in Boulder, Colorado, by destroying unwanted guns and forging the parts into life-sustaining tools, art, or jewelry. We are a collaborative effort of the Community United Church in Boulder, Colorado and RAWtools, Inc., a national, non-profit organization whose comprehensive efforts to move communities away from violence has brought us together. We seek to support faith communities to take action to reduce gun violence in their own community and provide resources and connections with other like-minded people of faith.
Guns to Gardens Boulder Is Part of the National Guns to Gardens Movement
In response to a mass shooting at our local grocery store, where 10 people were killed on March 22nd, 2021, we resolved to find a way to move beyond thoughts and prayers. We were shocked, scared and grieving and that quickly turned to anger and outrage. We were told nothing would change. So through our tears and discernment we decided to take action.
The biblical text demands calls to peace and dismantling the construct and systems that lead to violence. As it says in the Book of Isaiah, “God shall judge between the nations and shall decide for many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.”
On Sunday June 13th, 2021 from 1-4 p.m. Community United Church of Christ in collaboration with RawTools and other partners, we hosted our first county-wide gun buyback event with the support of the Boulder Police Department and in conjunction with the Colorado Attorney General’s Office.
We offered a chance for the proper and safe disposal of unwanted firearms of all kinds. And we hope to reduce the number of gun deaths and injuries locally as we transform our trauma individually and collectively.
Guns to Gardens Boulder is a project of the Community of the United Church of Christ. Your donations are graciously accepted and very much appreciated. The Donate button on this page will take you to the CUCC donations page.
Thank you for your investment in reducing gun violence in Boulder! Your gift is tax-deductible.
Community of the United Church of Christ is based in Boulder and is a welcoming community of spiritual seekers, with an ever-evolving progressive view of the Holy, that is actively engaged in building a world with justice for all creation. In June of 2021, in response to a massacre at our local grocery store, CUCC catalyzed a nationwide Guns to Gardens movement with RAWtools and other partners, inspiring communities of faith of all kinds to take action to reduce gun violence by safely destroying unwanted firearms donated by community members (click/tap for article) and other partners to safely destroy unwanted guns brought in by community members.
Turning guns into garden tools is at the center of the work of RAWtools. It connects their programs and enables storytelling – stories of magnificent transformation as well as the deep trauma of grief and loss. We lose more than 100 people a day to gun violence in the United States and it’s becoming more and more clear that guns have no place in conflict resolution. Many folks donate their guns because they realize they don’t need them anymore.
We are a grassroots community of faith working to reduce gun violence in Boulder, Colorado, by destroying unwanted guns and forging the parts into life-sustaining tools, art, or jewelry. We are a collaborative effort of the Community United Church in Boulder, Colorado and RAWtools, Inc., a national, non-profit organization whose comprehensive efforts to move communities away from violence has brought us together. We seek to support faith communities to take action to reduce gun violence in their own community and provide resources and connections with other like-minded people of faith.
Guns to Gardens Boulder Is Part of the National Guns to Gardens Movement
We are a grassroots community of faith working to reduce gun violence in Boulder, Colorado, by destroying unwanted guns and forging the parts into life-sustaining tools, art, or jewelry. We are a collaborative effort of the Community United Church in Boulder, Colorado and RAWtools, Inc., a national, non-profit organization whose comprehensive efforts to move communities away from violence has brought us together. We seek to support faith communities to take action to reduce gun violence in their own community and provide resources and connections with other like-minded people of faith.
In response to a mass shooting at our local grocery store, where 10 people were killed on March 22nd, 2021, we resolved to find a way to move beyond thoughts and prayers. We were shocked, scared and grieving and that quickly turned to anger and outrage. We were told nothing would change. So through our tears and discernment we decided to take action.
The biblical text demands calls to peace and dismantling the construct and systems that lead to violence. As it says in the Book of Isaiah, “God shall judge between the nations and shall decide for many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.”
On Sunday June 13th, 2021 from 1-4 p.m. Community United Church of Christ in collaboration with RawTools and other partners, we hosted our first county-wide gun buyback event with the support of the Boulder Police Department and in conjunction with the Colorado Attorney General’s Office.
We offered a chance for the proper and safe disposal of unwanted firearms of all kinds. And we hope to reduce the number of gun deaths and injuries locally as we transform our trauma individually and collectively.
Turning guns into garden tools is at the center of the work of RAWtools. It connects their programs and enables storytelling – stories of magnificent transformation as well as the deep trauma of grief and loss. We lose more than 100 people a day to gun violence in the United States and it’s becoming more and more clear that guns have no place in conflict resolution. Many folks donate their guns because they realize they don’t need them anymore.